communicative, cognitive, motivational, volitional, emotional, sensorimotor componentsAbstract
In Ukraine the system of education of children with disabilities is one of those areas of psychological practice in which diagnostics is the basis in the construction of educational process in general. Identifying psychological features and the peculiarity of the mental development of a child with hearing impairment is the main goal of psycho disorders development. It is a part of a comprehensive examination of the child carried on by a diverse number of experts; depending on the results of such an examination the decision is made regarding the type of the educational institution considering the development of sensory-perceptive functions, motor skills, mental and emotional-volitional areas. In the modern system of educational process, there are certain requirements as to the conducting an effective diagnostic to find out the features of the mental development of children with impaired hearing: it is about the use of complex system approach, taking into account the structure of the infringement as a whole, a comprehensive survey of the mentality of a child, speech, cognitive processes, personal features of development, emotional and volitional state.
In the article the author suggests his own model of the structure of psychological diagnostics of readiness of children with disabilities to study at school which includes communicative, cognitive, motivational, emotional and strong-willed and sensorimotor components. Theoretical analysis of modern magnitude of study is done; the basic problems of complex psychological Diagnostics of older preschoolers with hearing impaired while determining a particular type of educational institution for studying are defined.
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