
  • T. A. Galtseva


self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy, the effectiveness of the teaching (education), the subject of the effectiveness of education activities, productivity


The article deals with the phenomenon of personality’s academic self-efficacy as situationally specific construct defines the confidence of the individual in his own abilities and capabilities to implement actively and productively educational and cognitive activity and to achieve meaningful student-learning outcomes, promoting self-movement and self-development.
The formation of educational self-efficacy of the individual had analyzed during the ontogenesis process. The individual has his own features at every stage of his life's journey.
There is shown the formation of individual’s academic self-efficacy is a result of his own successful experience in a training, an example of other people’s successful learning activities and results, supporting of relatives, teachers and others, self-persuasion, autosuggestion, positive emotions associated with the educational process and the ability to visualize yourself as someone who successfully achieve the educational goal.
The psychological mechanisms of functioning of the construct are defined. The multiplicity of functions that the construct constructs is shown. The internal and external criteria of educational self-efficacy of the subject of training are defined.


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