profession, professional qualities, physicians, professional readiness, assertiveness, resilienceAbstract
The article reveals the psychologically important qualities of medical doctors at the current stage of martial law in Ukraine. The authors note that the war has significantly changed the requirements for medical workers, emphasizing the importance of such qualities as stress resistance, communication, adaptability, professional skills, ethical principles and psychological preparation. There is a need for new standards for the training and selection of doctors who must be ready to work in extreme conditions and provide high-quality medical care in difficult situations. Foreign researchers in this topic have studied the importance of ethical norms, communication skills and personal characteristics for successful practice in medicine. The authors focus on the fact that professional readiness is an important condition for the successful activities of medical professionals, as it determines their ability to adapt to various conditions and situations that may arise in the process of work. The authors consider the professional readiness of a future doctor as a complex formation in the structure of the personality, which combines professionally important qualities, a high level of general and professional competencies, as well as the achievement of program learning outcomes, which together form the ability to effective activity. Based on the analysis of the literature, the article identifies five main categories of professionally important qualities of doctors: professionally creative, morally and spiritually, psychophysiologically, socially significant and emotionally and strongly. The authors also separately highlight assertiveness and resilience as important components of the personal qualities of medical workers, since they significantly affect their professional effectiveness and ability to cope with challenges in medical practice. Assertiveness and resilience are interrelated, as assertive physicians who are able to clearly express their needs and feelings are more likely to receive support and understanding from colleagues and patients, which in turn can increase their resilience. However, resilience can also increase assertiveness, as confidence in one’s ability to cope with stress can encourage an individual to be more open and actively advocate for their interests.
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