personality, assertiveness, personal property, structural components, adaptabilityAbstract
In the article, the author reveals the peculiarity and variety of views and concepts on the nature of the phenomenon of assertiveness. A theoretical analysis of the scientific literature was carried out regarding the essence of the content of assertiveness as a personal property that determines the behavior of an individual in society, its adaptability and the corresponding interpersonal interaction. It was established that in the field of scientific research on assertiveness in foreign psychology, two main approaches are distinguished. The first focuses on the external aspects of behavior that characterize a successful personality, which is reflected in the works of scientists such as H. Beyer, D. Jongvard, V. Capponi, T. Novak and H. Fenstreheim. The second direction is aimed at researching the inner world of a person and his existential state, which is the object of the works of such humanistic psychologists as A. Maslow, G. Allport, K. Rogers, W. Frankl and E. Fromm. The author singles out the structural components of the assertiveness phenomenon, including cognitive-content, affective and behavioral components. The article substantiates that an important factor of personal assertiveness is adaptation potential. The phenomenon of assertiveness determines the specific behavior of the individual, which will be manifested in spontaneous reactions, emotions appropriate to the situation, the ability to speak frankly about one's wishes and demands, the ability to express oneself and the absence of fear of denial, the use of arguments in conversation, persistence in one's own opinions, the possession of strategies for satisfying fair demands and the ability to to say "no" in appropriate situations without violating the rights of others. Such a personal property is revealed through purposefulness, constructiveness, responsibility, selfconfidence, independence, determination, self-efficacy, independence, initiative, persistence, subjectivity, empathy, demandingness, reflexivity, etc.
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