professional motivation, professional well-being, emergency services workers in UkraineAbstract
The article presents the results of theoretical analysis and empirical research on the motivational factors of professional well-being of emergency services workers in Ukraine. It is established that the problem of professional well-being of this category of specialists is insufficiently studied by both domestic and foreign scientists. Scholars investigating the issue of professional well-being focus on factors that influence it, as well as the risks of its violation associated with the specificity of professional activities. The main features of the activities of emergency services workers in Ukraine include high responsibility, work in challenging conditions, the need for quick response and decision-making, teamwork, physical and emotional stress, and continuous learning. These job characteristics require them to have a high level of psychological readiness, professional competence, and a sense of professional satisfaction. Research on the problem of professional well-being focuses on identifying psychological and other resources for professional and personal growth, maintaining health, and effectively performing professional duties. Professional well-being is considered a key element of productivity, support for productivity, and professional longevity. The study of professional motivation showed that emergency services workers can be conditionally attributed to the autonomous type of employees, meaning they are predominantly autonomously motivated. This means that employees perform their duties and achieve goals based on their own desires and convictions, rather than external pressure or reward expectations. The main characteristics of autonomous motivation include internal self-organization, self-motivation, and a desire to achieve success. It contributes to increased job satisfaction, efficiency, and self-realization, as employees feel in control of their actions and make decisions according to their own needs and values. The results of correlation analysis allow us to state that the motivational factors of professional well-being of emergency services workers in Ukraine include internal, integrated, identified, and autonomous professional motivation.
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