



leader, political leadership, leader's personality, socio-cultural environment, motivational sphere, personal qualities of the leader


The article analyzes the phenomenon of leadership and psychological aspects of a personality engaged in leadership activities. A theoretical study of the manifestation of personal psychological characteristics of leaders that affect their performance of certain activities is carried out. Each society has its own rules of existence, which were formed in the context of the socio-cultural environment. The diversity of views on life and coexistence produce certain features of how people see their leaders and how they are perceived. In this context, it is important to consider the individual psychological aspects of leaders and the phenomenon of leadership as an important element of the social construct. After all, they affect how a leader perceives himself or herself in society, how he or she understands the level of his or her responsibility to society. It is primarily the generally accepted cultural values and traditions that influence the individual and his or her development, and society can either follow the established trends of coexistence or produce new ideas, including through the perception of leadership, its importance and forms of manifestation. The uniqueness of leadership in the socio-cultural plane lies in the uniqueness of this phenomenon, which is possible only through the social plane, the interconnection of values and traditions, individual psychological characteristics of the leader and the collective psyche. The phenomenological feature of leadership is expressed in the fact that it combines both individual mental characteristics of an individual and socio-cultural attitudes and value orientations that contribute to the orientation to the formation of his or her activities. Also, psychological aspects, both individual and social, are diverse, and their specificity lies primarily in the fact that both aspects influence the formation of an individual as a leader and his or her interaction in society in this status. In general, the formation of leadership is preceded by a number of certain personality traits that express his or her motivational sphere and professionalism, and their diversity also expresses the personality's orientation towards a certain type of leadership qualities and orientation towards leadership in a particular group or situation.


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