



personal safety, emotional safety, emotional states, existence, dependence, attachment, personal life path


The article reveals the psychological concepts of emotional security of the individual, the structure and conditions of this phenomenon. The authors reveal the place of emotional security in the existence of an individual’s life path, its connection with attachment. It was established that psychological safety has the following structure: emotional reactivity, which manifests itself in fear or stress when encountering potentially dangerous situations, which leads to increased vigilance or hidden aggression; regulation of behavior, which is manifested in the ability to influence interaction with the environment and minimize potential threats; internal representations based on conscious or unconscious schemas regarding potentially dangerous situations. The article has a theoretical-empirical content, it presents the results of the study of the relationships in the dyads of safety-danger and dependence-independence, as well as such psychological characteristics as optimism-pessimism, compassion-indifference, autonomy-dependence, calmness-anxiety, tolerance-aggressiveness . The results of the study showed that emotional safety causes different experiences and is characterized by a diverse set of states that often have opposite meanings. The presence of a sense of security indicates that a person has internal resources to face new threats and dangerous situations. An important condition for security is the ability to rely on significant others (family, sexual partners, etc.). People with a sense of emotional security have a positive attitude towards life and depend on a narrow circle of significant people. The authors come to the conclusion that emotional security forms a variety of modes of experience and states, reflects sometimes opposite existential content that a person acquires throughout life.


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Шамне А. В. Особистісні та міжособистісно-стильові детермінанти копінг-поведінки студентів у стресових ситуаціях / Психологія стресостійкості студентської молоді: монографія / За заг. ред. В. Шмаргуна. К.: НУБіП України, 2019. С. 66–82.

