management, scientific approaches, management concepts, person-oriented approach, management functions, management technologies, extracurricular education institutionsAbstract
In the article, the author reveals the main scientific approaches to the study of the management of an out-of-school education institution. Analyzes historical patterns of management concepts. It singles out the main four models of management of an educational institution: economic efficiency of an educational institution; effectiveness of the pedagogical process; flexibility; relevance. The author characterizes the peculiarities of the management of extracurricular education institutions and reveals its features in relation to the management of educational institutions in general. Emphasizes the competence of the leader of the institution. Emphasizes that at the current stage of education reform, managerial skills should be actively included in the practice of management of extracurricular educational institutions. Among them: business skills, global thinking, industry knowledge, interpersonal interaction, personal skills, technological awareness. So far, integration does not take place in all directions in the out-of-school education institution. The most effective and used are: interpersonal interaction, personal skills, global thinking. Institutions of extracurricular education differ from educational institutions in that, in addition to the educational process, an active creative life, which is characteristic of cultural institutions, is introduced. Institutions of extracurricular education is a certain synergy of two areas of education and culture. Therefore, the development of the professional level of pupils is rapidly developing and adds the following competencies: creativity, creative approach, critical thinking, preservation of cultural and national heritage, project thinking. The author reveals the forms of management, among which she dwells in more detail on one of them – "Smart organization" or "Developing organization". He emphasizes that it has shown itself well in some educational institutions, one of which is the Center for Creativity of Children and Youth of Galicia in the city of Lviv. Another modern type of management implemented in Ukraine is the management of an educational institution under the conditions of public-private partnership. This form works effectively abroad and Ukraine is now adopting this experience and involving business partners in the educational process. The system is simple: the educational institution works at the request of practitioners. In return, the educational institution receives funding.
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