emotional stability, motivation, emotions, willpower, intelligence, professional activityAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the components of the structure of emotional stability, which is one of the extremely important characteristics of a person, in particular, the effectiveness of professional activity. Possessing EC in the process of professional activity means to quickly find solutions in difficult situations and maintain endurance and self-control in the conditions of constantly changing conditions of activity. ES in conditions of intense activity is mediated by a holistic process of self-regulation under conditions of unity of cognitive and physiological manifestations. Therefore, it is important to study the main components of EC as an integral property of the individual. ES acts as an important intrapsychic guarantor and plays an important role in maintaining the psychological health of the individual as a whole system and the ability of the psyche to maintain high functional activity in conditions of episodic or systematic exposure to negative factors. It is noted that in psychology, researchers consider the emotional stability of an individual along with moral, volitional and neuropsychological stability. A theoretical analysis of the main scientific approaches to the EC structure of the individual and its main components was carried out. An approach that is based on the fact that ES is considered as a complex mental formation, which is the result of the integration of certain mental processes and phenomena, is important. Scientists proceed from the principle of interaction of emotions, will, intellect and physiological organization in their relation to activity. Most researchers understand EC as an integrative multi-component quality of personality, characterized by a certain interaction of emotional, volitional, intellectual and motivational components of an individual's mental activity, which ensure the most optimal successful achievement of the goal of activity in a complex emotional environment. The peculiarities of the emotional, volitional, motivational and intellectual components and their constituent elements in the EC structure are considered. Each of them is related to the properties of the nervous system, and is manifested in ways of emotional response to the environment and behavioral characteristics. It is emphasized that the emotional, motivational, intellectual and volitional components of EC are interrelated and collectively form a whole structure. The subsystem of the structure, which includes the emotional component, is the most essential for the development of EC, since emotions affect all its elements, permeate all the components of the structure.
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