emotions, intelligence, emotional intelligence, emotional competence, cognitive abilities, personal attributes, regulation of emotions, adaptability, structure of emotional intelligenceAbstract
In the article, the author provides a detailed analysis of scientific literature on the problem of emotional intelligence and states that understanding emotions and the ability to manage them is an important factor in the psychological well-being of an individual, his success and adaptability. Argues that emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive and express emotions, to realize and use them, to manage them in such a way as to influence personal growth and adaptability. The analysis of scientific literature confirms that people with a high level of emotional intelligence differentiate well the emotions of others and their own, manage the emotional sphere, which leads to better adaptability and promotes effective interpersonal interaction, stress resistance, self-respect, optimism, self-realization, and positive emotions. Based on the works of scientists, the author claims that emotional intelligence is a construct of a dual nature (a combination of cognitive abilities and personal attributes), includes interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, which, in turn, form the corresponding competencies. She singles out the structural components of emotional intelligence: a) perception, assessment and expression of emotions; b) the use of emotions for the effectiveness of thinking; c) understanding and analysis of information embedded in emotions; d) regulation of emotions. On the basis of scientific works, it has been found that emotional intelligence can be developed throughout life through the training of emotional skills and abilities. Attention is focused on the fact that the sensitive stage of the development of the basic foundation for emotional intelligence is the age stage of childhood. Psychological well-being is an important indicator of formed emotional intelligence and indicates the mental health of a person who is satisfied with his life in this case. It is indicated that emotional intelligence is a personal resource that helps to control the inner harmony of the world.
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