reflection, leader, emotional well-being, crisis society, behavioural strategies, personalityAbstract
In the article, the authors reveal the phenomenon of personal reflection through the prism of the emotional well-being of the leader of various socio-cultural environments. Reveal reflection through behavioural strategies in the conditions of a crisis society. It is noted that reflection is an important condition for the emotional well-being of any individual, including a leader. In overcoming the consequences of the crisis, the authors describe three main components of the behavioural strategy of the reflection procedure: fixing the level of one’s condition, living conditions and activities; identification of causes; evaluation of the productivity of one’s own work, the measures used in overcoming the crisis consequences. The scientific article reveals the functions of the leader’s reflection under crisis conditions, among which the authors note the projective, organizational, contentcommunicative, corrective and motivational functions. The authors also describe the levels of the leader’s reflection, including superficial, deeper, analytical, conceptual, evaluation-value. With the increase in leadership reflexivity, the emotional well-being of the individual rises and the success and productivity of overcoming the consequences of various types of crisis increases, and various socio-economic technologies are more effectively implemented in order to improve the life of the leader and the team he leads. They claim that the structural component of the leader’s reflection in the conditions of the economic crisis is analysis of his life activity, his development. Reflection as the basis of the content of social strategies of a person’s actions in crisis conditions involves fixing by the individual the state of his personal, economic and professional activity, the level of development of his economic culture and the reasons for this. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the authors claim that the rapid dynamics of modern times pose new challenges to leaders, including self-awareness and self-reflection, which is reflection, being focused and collected, full of energy and being able to convince, being motivated and being able to motivate, being ready to cooperate, show empathy and be able to feel the situation, have a high intelligence and be emotionally wellbeing. Leaders with emotional intelligence have been proven to be more successful. Only an emotionally healthy personality of the leader will be able to act as an emotional leader of the group, will be able to direct people’s emotions in the appropriate direction and create a positive atmosphere.
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