perfectionism, development, self-improvement, leading conceptual approaches, striving for perfection, high personal standards, scientific and pedagogical workersAbstract
The article carries out a thorough analysis of ideas about the phenomenon of “perfectionism”, which were accumulated throughout the long history of its research and positioned in the scientific research of both foreign and domestic philosophers and psychologists. It is presented that the phenomenon of perfectionism is a comprehensive, timeless cross-cultural phenomenon that manifests itself in all areas and at all levels of inclusion of an individual in social life and is one of the regulators of social behaviour. Emphasis is placed on the social nature of perfectionism, since its modus operandi is dependent on ideas about this phenomenon, positioned in social logical thinking and social subjects united in the picture of the world: the dominant discourse of “perfectionism” in society carries out sanctioned symbolic violence against by those who are in the realm of his influence. Emphasis is placed on ambivalence, lack of dialogue, the pathological nature of perfectionism and its converse, and the indicators by which the specified discourse can be recognized are characterized. The main types of perfectionism are analyzed and it is substantiated that their pathological and conflict discourses develop around issues that are relevant for social subjects, which symbolize “right and wrong”, they are characterized by an evaluative nature, and the confrontation of these discourses causes the emergence of “conflicts of interests”. It is positioned how the actual discourse on perfectionism represents the two-pole and continuous axis of the mentioned phenomenon: a positive type of perfectionism is positioned at one of its poles, and a negative one at its other. Positioned understanding creates opportunities for conducting empirical studies of perfectionism in the context of searching for answers regarding the boundaries between normal and abnormal, as well as destructive perfectionism and the limits at which perfectionism from a natural desire for self-improvement is transformed into an obsession and a neurotic addiction itself. The concept of “perfectionism” is outlined, the relationship between perfectionism and indicators of professional burnout, assessment of professional achievements, meaningful life orientations, such as motivation, psychological well-being of an individual is positioned.
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