
  • G. V. Chuhraeva


psychological state, screening-diagnostics, neuroticism, psy-chopathisation.


Within the framework of the practical work of police officers, the Ministry of Internal Affairs requires a survey of large numbers of contingents of employees for a limited time. Therefore, for rapid tests, such as psychological screening diagnostics, such as RNP (neurotic and psychopathy levels) and PEN (neurotic and psychopathy levels) that show the manifestations of, and predisposition to, neuroti-cism and psychopathisation, these are used. The professional activities of special-purpose units and investigators usually lead to a change in the psychological state, and most often it can lead to the emer-gence of neurotic status. Therefore, mandatory annual psychological, psychophysio-logical and psychiatric examinations are carried out to detect them. Formulation of the problem. The influence of negative factors in aggregate on employees with oper-atively-search function of activity can lead to the destruction of the socio-psychological well-being of employees, the depletion of the protective forces (func-tions) of the body and the psyche and the emergence of psychological maladaptation or psychogenic disorders, to the development of neurotic, psychosomatic and mental illness. An important point is determining the ability of police officers during ser-vice. In the process of servicing the employees of the system of law and order and servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, the professional suitability of their health status is clarified during the conduct of the medical examination, namely, during the mandatory annual surveys of the above-mentioned contingents. The pur-pose of this survey was to identify the states of neuroticism, psychopathisation, ag-gressiveness of the employees of the system of law and order, namely: special units and investigators, which may arise during their official activity and were revealed during their annual obligatory psychophysiological, psychological, psychiatric ex-aminations. Today, the general professionally determined factors of influence on the health of law enforcers are significant mental and physical load. Most authors dis-tinguish three groups of factors leading to the emergence of neurotic disorders: factors that are due to specific activities; factors of personal qualities; factors of socio-psychological nature.


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