teacher evaluations by students, psychological aspects of surveys, teaching quality, education quality system.Abstract
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the study of the effectiveness of using teaching quality assessments by students in higher education. Surveying students is an essential tool in the higher education quality assurance system. Today, most higher education institutions utilize survey data for organizational and staffing decisions. The article examines common views and perceptions regarding the reliability of students’ evaluations of teaching performance. The reasons for distrust in survey results are analyzed. The study highlights that psychological and pedagogical aspects of the survey significantly influence the evaluation results. Typically, there is no connection between the formally organized survey process and its actual utility for students and academic staff. Often, the practice of surveying students in higher education isn’t grounded on guiding principles of psychology and pedagogy in the system of educational quality assurance. Organizational correctness and technical accuracy of the gathered survey data aren’t always appropriately interpreted, leading to unsubstantiated decisions. The article explores the relationship between students’ evaluations of teaching quality and overall academic achievements in higher education. The effectiveness of the survey process depends on the motivation of the educational process participants and the presence of a safe educational environment. The study offers various recommendations and advice to improve the teaching evaluation process. Suggested are ways to use student surveys as one of the vital tools for communication with administration and teachers. The main prospects for further research on the effectiveness of student surveys and the improvement of educational services in higher education institutions are identified.
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