psychotherapy, social work, social worker, methodology, culture, art, cinema, social and cultural animationAbstract
In today’s time when a person undergoes emotional, psychological, social issues, culture contributes to the spiritual renewal of the individual. Field of culture and of social services historically closely interrelated. Thus, works of art, including art, music, literature, technical creativity have always had a significant influence on the intellectual potential of the nation, the development of emotional and sensual sphere of the individual, but also contributed to recovery, treatment, correction and recreational processes.
Emotional incivility in treating people creates selfishness, which is the backbone of indifference, anti-social behavior. Consumer sentiment is a consequence of the fact that some teenagers are not experiencing the desire for moral beauty of their own behavior, behavior, attitude towards people.
Recently, social work, a new direction, which is also called methods and techniques of social work – social and cultural animation. Animator – expert who organizes social work with children and young people in their leisure time by acquiring a recreational activity, leisure.
Each age group is characteristic of his perception, his art reproduction, their factors that affect the absorption of the individual artistic experience that requires the use of appropriate methods of social work in the field of culture.
Found that the most promising areas of social services is the use of screen arts and socio-cultural animation.
Methods of social and cultural activities is a collection of educational, developmental, recreational, valeological and other methods that are constantly replenished and enriched by modern experience gained in the field of culture and education.
Promising area of work on theoretical and methodological issues in the field of culture is the creation of new and improvement of existing regulations that would facilitate the further development of the methodology of social work in the field of culture.
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