
  • M. V. Kovaliv


communicative competence, criminal police, police, social and psychological training


The problems of communicative competence of the criminal police workers of Ukraine provided for the features of, the ways of its development through the socio-psycological training and effective application in employment activity are considered. Professional features in the field of communication which are connected with the detection of criminal offenses are analyzed . The first – along with operative officers of the criminal police investigators go to the scene and take part in the review of the site, search and other investigative activities. Second – using professional techniques and methods to solve the task of putting his plan criminals and prevent the realization of these plans. In these cases, they have the help of special techniques to obtain the necessary information about dangerous criminals, their relationships and intentions. That is, one with major sides of the criminal police officer is a professional communication to obtain information from various people about offender, his signs, communication, the possible location. It is important to be able to quickly join, contact with people of different categories of managers of large enterprises and individuals, homeless, with pensioners and teenagers. Each should be able to find an individual approach. Professional communication law enforcement officers – a kind of specially organized interaction of people (managers and subordinates, employees equal job regulations, staff and public, staff and offenders). The content of the communication enforcement staff is knowledge, information sharing and communication of participants influence each other to resolve enforcement problems. In the study of communication skills and the level of the main factors that determine the success of the process of communicative competence diagnostics program should identify key indicators that characterize communicative competence: character logical features, especially the intelligence, the type of interpersonal relations, describing behavior in conflict situations and so on. Communicative competence affects the performance of professional activities is therefore necessary to consider the level of communicative competence as a professional at the stage of selecting candidates for the service, and to improve this quality in the professional psychological training. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on improving communication skills related to the process of interaction in the group.


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