time perspective, internal motivation, motive of obtaining profession, motivational items, correlative links, external motivation, discipline of specializationAbstract
The article deals with the relationship between time perspective and motivation of learning English by students studying English as a discipline of specialization. It is determined that the availability and a high level of internal motivation of learning English and motivation, aimed at obtaining profession promotes the growth of English study success. Shared by students from the above mentioned peculiarities of motivation is the presence of much higher number of motivational items, including that related to obtaining tangible profits and values, the desire to go abroad for a long time. It is scientifically grounded and empirically verified that students with high efficiency and internal motivation of English learning are characterized by significantly higher quantitative indicators of time perspective characteristics (future events related to the further study of the English language or its usage in a professional activity, leaving abroad, obtaining material profits, prospects). It is proved that students with different levels of motivation to learn English differ significantly in contents and structural-dynamic characteristics of their time perspective.
Disclosed differences in the characteristics of the time perspective can serve as markers, the presence of which allows to predict the formation of certain types of English learning motivation of students with various professional specialization and their level of success with this discipline. Detected conflicts argue that the notion of internal motivation is only generalizing, such that brings together a group of motives which may have independent value.
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