pedagogical interaction, optimization, training, empathy, positive attitudes towards people life satisfaction, coping strategies, psychological defenceAbstract
The article focuses on the results of formative experiment on the impact of genetic and psychological communicative and reflective training (GP CRT) for some features optimize pedagogical interaction. Implementation of the program developed by the author GC RPT generally leads to a targeted changes documented empirically and prove the feasibility of its involvement not only as a powerful means of optimizing the pedagogical interaction, but also the entire personal psychogenesis.
After the introduction of GP CRT program has been a change in some characteristics of a positive attitude to people, in particular – that is taking another person’s faith in its positivity and confidence in her friendly attitude. There were also changes in the characteristics empatiyni optimal pedagogical interaction, which is an integrated quality individual, which focused synthesized and emotional, cognitive and activity (behavioral) components of interpersonal relations. Forming experiment resulted in improved performance, reflecting satisfaction with their own lives. The impact of the training on the features clearly marked use of coping strategies of participants in the training program. Training as micro socialization factor influenced the features of the system of psychological protection of participants of the training program.
The content of training procedures and in accordance with the nature of interpersonal interaction played a crucial role in that after forming experiment are as follows. The training encouraged the implementation of, relevant to the level of life satisfaction, personal qualities like responsibility for themselves, psychological stability, the desire for a new, optimistic, positive self-esteem. No less closely related to life satisfaction assessment that people judge you on the merits, the intensity of social communication and perception of overall relations between people as honest and fair, an opportunity for a close spiritual communication based on trust. All these «predictors» life satisfaction somehow been actualized training procedures.
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