motive, motivation, learning activity, personality, study, activity, level of motivation, factorAbstract
The article deals with the problem of student’s motivation of learning activity. Various levels of its formation depending on the educational activity of the subject, the presence of internal/external motivation are set off by the authors. The content of learning motivation and the structure of its parameters are determined. The features of formation of learning motivation in students’ age are analyzed. Peculiarities of the structure and the development of student’s personality motivational sphere are examined, the characteristics of individual leading learning motifs are determined. Motivation to study is defined as a separate type of motivation, which is included in training activity. A number of parameters of learning motivation study are highlighted; its internal and external characteristics are highlighted. The parameters of the English learning motivation in groups of students with different levels of foreign language study are researched. The level of the English learning motivation is defined and the emphasis of the level of its influence by evaluating the degree of students’ activity in studying this subject is suggested. The article deals with the immediate motives (cognitive – desire for creative research, the process of solving cognitive tasks, self education, focusing on growth, the desire to expand horizons and erudition, to raise the cultural level), the implied motives (social – awareness of the need for education, the prestige of education, a desire to become a full member of the society, responsibility, social identification, position in the group, approval from the teachers; and the motives of achievement – to be better prepared for professional activity and to get a well-paid job). Activity motives are classified as follows: broad social motivations; educational motives; personal; the motives to avoid failures. The classification of motivational orientations is outlined: focusing on the process, on the outcome, on the teacher’s assessment, orientation to avoid failures.
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