formal leadership, informal leadership, personal leadership, organizational culture, interactionAbstract
In this paper the questions of the influence of psychological factors on the interaction of a young commander (officer) from opinion leaders subordinate units. For the first time comprehensively applied research methods of personal qualities, leadership status, organizational and psychological characteristics of military units in order to determine their influence on the features of the interaction between superiors and subordinates.
Factor analysis of the results gave ten types of team members in the military and professional environment.
The current state of professional security forces commanders Ukraine is very different from what it was twenty years ago. Continued transition of the Armed Forces, State Border Service, Interior Troops and other power structures of Ukraine for military service under contract causes the formation of a stable military units. Their sustainability is that the rank and file and sergeants may be located in a section and at a certain position for a long time. This is especially true sergeants who are five or more years to serve on separate positions. This is usually a person with certain socio – psychological status in the team (leaders). In addition, leaders may be among the ranks.
This category is to include informal leadership. They already have some experience, most seniors. And along with this, the professional activities of commanders (officers) is determined by turnover. Yes, a graduate of higher military educational institution can be as a very short time and after every officer positions by moving to «conquer» authority among subordinates. And well, if the officer has already gained some experience in solving this issue. But relatively young officers – the problem is particularly acute. In addition, the heads are unable to constantly monitor the activities of young officers and thus require them for almost immediately after taking office full duty.
Experience shows that the level of training, namely the ability to establish interaction with subordinates to help resolve this problem. Therefore, the study of psychological characteristics of forming interaction with younger commanders informal leaders slave unit may be one of the areas of psychological training, which will contribute to accelerating the adaptation of young officers, the efficiency of administrative activity from the start of service. So the theme is relevant not only in theory but also in practice.
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