
  • L. S. Oryshchyn-Buzhdyhan
  • N. Y. Skolska


future planning, optimism, estimation of event, probability of event, future generation, country’s future


Planning own future is a natural and engaging process for everyone and especially for young people. It helps them to bring stability and life confidence. Optimistic biases in future planning provide to realize long term purposes and it’s the best direction for young people life. On the other way esimistic biases in future planning are good for short term purposes in the nearest time. This article describes how young people approach planning future of their generation and country by using new methodology developed by the authors of this article. The methodology was based on unrealistic optimism theory and on M. Fishbein I.Ajzen theory of reasoned action. It provides both theoretical and empirical analysis of the concern. The main result is that people tend to put higher than average probability on positive event in their future rather than negative events. Events were associated with main areas of Young generations and country lives. Individuals were asked to evaluate them on a scale from 0 to 10 of being positive or negative with 0 – strictly negative and 10 – strictly positive. Additionally, participants were asked to put high or low probability tags on events. As a result, positive events were evaluated with probability higher than average of realization and negative events were considered improbable (lower than average). Interesting additional result is that the participants were mostly certain in generation and country future. Main results of the paper bring additional support to the hypothesis about over optimistic approach to future generation and country planning among young people in both studies. Main result based on comparing optimistic approach to future generation and country planning in 2014(study 1) and 2015 year (study 2). The result proved that optimistic approach to future generation has increased and optimistic approach to country planning has decreased. Modern Ukrainian Youth considered that in their generation future would have happened economical positive event based on their wealth and personal positive event. Similar prediction they have had about country future. Modern Ukrainian Youth correlate Country future with economic growth and citizens wealth also in Study 1 they considered that patriotic direction will be very important in the future of Ukraine.


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