COVID-19 pandemic, student youth, social expectations, anxiety experiences, lifestyle, emotional healthAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of social expectations on the experience of anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was established that the psychological health of student youth is influenced by external factors and worsens under the influence of the pandemic. Contradictions of student expectations, which consist in the multifaceted nature of desires and aspirations and the possibilities of their realization, have been determined. It is substantiated that such contradictions lead to students’ anxiety and fears, which affect their self-esteem, attitude towards themselves and relationships with others. Empirically researched the peculiarities of experiencing anxiety among student youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. The connection between the traumatic experience of students and manifestations of fear was established; between the positive experience of the past and the establishment of social contacts; between students’ desire to receive and lifestyle; between the desire to take responsibility for one’s life and understanding the extent of one’s responsibility and influence; it is determined that the more students are motivated to achieve their expectations and set goals, the lower the level of anxiety they experience, because there is no sense of the unknown, which most often causes fear and anxiety. Thus, it was investigated that social expectations of student youth have a direct impact on the experience of anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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