leader, leadership, leadership qualities, transformational leadership, leadership categories, leadership stylesAbstract
A leader is a person who has the character and mental qualities that are perceived by all members of a particular team. The leader has to constantly refresh his professional knowledge, as well as be able to creatively and promptly use them in different, often changing situations. A leader can be an organizer, creator, fighter, reassurer, or diplomat.
The main categories of leadership (interpersonal, informational, decision-making) and optimal leadership styles (policy, authoritarian, democratic and delegating) are analyzed.
It was found out that transformational leadership is a process of internal social-psychological organization, management of the team’s activities, influence on employees, which is accompanied by a change in the representations and values of the latter, the activation of higher needs in innovation, achievement, creativity, self-actualization.
It has been established that in all spheres of activity, the leader must have appropriate abilities, skills and abilities. It is proved that the activities of the leader should have a certain social orientation, he must have a high professional competence, be able to organize, regulate and coordinate the joint activities of people. The moral, emotional-volitional and intellectual qualities of the leader in modern conditions are characterized, the individual features of the transformational leader are singled out.
The role of a leader is to provide such relationships and relationships between colleagues and subordinates in the system of functioning, so that they best contribute to the solving of specific tasks to achieve a single goal.
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