managerial career, gerontology, elderly people, crisis of old age, physiological changes of an organism, emotional and personality characteristicsAbstract
The basic social and psychological problems of the elderly who complete the managerial career, continue to work or go on deserved rest; the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of emotional-personal characteristics and well-being of management personnel after the retirement are analyzed.
Typology of personnel is generalized taking into account peculiarities of activity of persons of retirement age; The factors influencing adaptation processes to a new quality of life are singled out.
The scientific and practical interest in the study of the emotional state of persons of retirement age is due, above all, to the current socio-cultural situation associated with the economic crisis, which increases unemployment, the small size of the pension, as well as the discrimination of persons of pre-retirement and retirement age when trying to get a job.
In addition, most elderly people are psychologically not ready for retirement, which affects their mental state, destabilizes the usual way of life, reduces self-esteem. The situation is complicated by the presence of negative stereotypes about old age in state, management circles and the media, as well as the complete lack of psychological support for people who have reached the retirement age and are waiting for retirement.
In psychological science there is an increasing number of studies aimed at studying the psychological characteristics and psychological problems of persons of retirement age, in particular, in the age-old crisis of the elderly. Retirement in psychology is seen as a crisis period associated with a sharp change in lifestyle. In this case, practically, all the authors agree that retirement is an important and complicated step in the life of a person who requires the restructuring of both lifestyle and consciousness.
As a rule, the elderly in our country make managerial powers and retire psychologically unprepared for a new period of life, which adversely affects the process of their social adaptation and personal satisfaction.
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