National Guard of Ukraine, leader, leadership phenomenon, leadership qualities, leadership skills, future officersAbstract
The article examines the modern understanding of the content of the phenomena “leadership” and “leadership qualities”. The theoretical foundations of the formation of leadership qualities in the context of a personal approach in the context of training future officers of the National Guard of Ukraine are characterized. It is noted that a thorough analysis of the foreign experience of educational systems is one of the vectors of modernization of the essence of education and educational technologies, which requires their coordination with the current needs of society, integration into the international educational space consists in orienting educational programs specifically to the competence approach and forming productive mechanisms for its implementation. The article states that the social and psychological quintessence of the phenomenon of “leadership” to a certain extent manifests itself precisely in the complexity and, at times, controversy of the said phenomenon, which is actually a manifestation of both an individual and a social phenomenon. The individual quintessence of the phenomenon of “leadership” is precisely the fact that a “leader” is a unique individual who is characterized by charisma and the ability to influence people. The social quintessence is related to the fact that the phenomenon of “leadership” is positioned only in a certain circle of people precisely as the realization of influence and an informal degree of power over individuals. Undoubtedly, an individual and social peculiarity is formed from the above contradiction, according to which a true “leader” must have a sense of his personal responsibility for those people who completely trusted him, and, personally, for the actions he took and their consequences that arose as a result of this belief and leadership of the leader over them. It is noted that in the middle of the theoretical foundations of the formation of leadership qualities through a personal approach in the context of the training of future officers, the integration of personal training, which is consistent with the strategic vectors of the development of NSU, is positioned in their professional actions. Individual training of officer-leaders should become a complete social and pedagogical system, which will contribute to the self-development of basic modern leadership skills in them – to challenge generally accepted limitations, to determine the degree of one's own power and to cooperate for success.
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