emotional stability, development of emotional stability, resilience, development of resilience, agerelated aspects of the development of resilience, scientific researchAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the psychological features of the formation of emotional stability and resilience at different age stages of personality development. The disclosure of this topic contributes to a deeper understanding of the development of emotional stability and resilience taking into account age-related characteristics, which is important for developmental psychology, stress prevention and mental health at the individual and social levels, and will provide a basis for the development of adapted and modern approaches to supporting people in difficult conditions. The authors revealed some differences in the concepts of emotional stability and resilience, which are related phenomena, but differ in their essence and focus. It is emphasized that emotional stability is a person’s ability to maintain a stable emotional state, remain calm and balanced in difficult situations, focused on managing one’s emotions, their control, the ability not to succumb to destructive experiences that arise in stressful conditions, helps a person avoid impulsive reactions, maintaining internal balance even in short-term stressful situations. Emotional stability can be considered as a mental state and an integrative property that includes emotional, volitional, intellectual and motivational aspects of the personality. And resilience is the ability to recover after stressful or traumatic events, transforming negative experiences for the benefit of personal growth. The main differences between the phenomena of emotional stability and resilience are in focus (emotional stability emphasizes the management of emotions, while resilience focuses on the ability to adapt and recover); duration of action (emotional stability is needed for short-term stresses, resilience for long-term trials and crises); components (resilience covers a wider range of personal resources – emotional, cognitive and behavioral, while emotional stability mainly focuses on emotions).
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