national self-consciousness, ethnic identity, ethnic self-consciousness, ethnicity, ethnic identity, national fanaticism, intoleranceAbstract
In the article a theoretical analysis of scientific researches of the problem of the formation of the ethnic identity of senior pupils is carried out and the results of the empirical research are highlighted. Ethnic identity is considered as the result of the emotional and cognitive process of awareness of ethnicity, the identification of the individual with the representatives of his ethnic group and separation from other ethnic groups, as well as deeply personally significant experience of their ethnicity.
The social-psychological researches of the problem of ethnic identity of the personality are analyzed; types of ethnic identity are singled out. Due to the results of the empirical research, socio-psychological peculiarities of the ethnic identity of senior pupils are determined and the specificity of the transformation of ethnic identity is determined. It is found out that high school students with a low level of ethnic isolation are characterized by a higher level of ethnic indifference and a desire for social status. Senior pupils with a higher level of ethnonigilism are characterized by higher level of indifference and information, compared to students with low level of ethnonigilism.
Correlation analysis allowed to find out socio-psychological peculiarities of the ethnic identity of senior pupils and to find out the specifics of the formation of ethnic identity. Transformation of ethnic identity is predetermined by such features as accepting or not accepting oneself, belonging, conformism, escapism, using language, emotional comfort.
In order to prevent destructive changes in the ethnic identity of senior pupils, it is recommended to introduce preventive measures and conduct educational work not only with pupils and teachers, but also with parents and family members of pupils. It is advisable to conduct a socio-psychological training for senior pupils in order to establish a positive self-concept in themselves, an adequate self-esteem, and the emergence of normative ethnic identity.
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