hearing impairment, hearing impaired people, integration, adaptation, socialization, rehabilitation, correction, maintenanceAbstract
Modern Ukrainian society takes efforts to solve the problem of integration of people with hearing impairments into society. Therefore, it endeavors to take care of solving the key problems of such persons so that they feel themselves as full members of society and can multiply the material and spiritual values of society.
The special focus should be on the integration of young people with disabilities into the modern social environment. The main task for the successful integration of hearing impaired persons is to enable them to study, provide employment and professional rehabilitation.
Persons with hearing impairments in relation to hearing people are in radically different conditions of development. Particular attention should be paid to the development of oral speech. It is proved that the graduates of ordinary schools who have problems with hearing are characterized by the language which is more deployed and grammatically correct than their peers who have graduated from a special school. Learning together with hearing children has a beneficial effect on the expansion of the circle of communication between the infirm and the hearing impaired students. However, the social situation of people with hearing impairment is notorious for the type of life, not with people, but next to them. If they are not rejected, then they are not taken on an equal footing. This is especially true for the deaf people, because they can not rely on residual hearing in the process of assimilation of information and fully communicate with people who hear.
Persons with hearing impairments almost always in some form feel their disadvantageous position resulting from his defect, which, in turn, can affect the sense of inferiority.
Thus, the process of integration is complex and multilevel, and its effectiveness is influenced by various factors that in our society complicate the success of adaptation of such persons to public life. Among such factors are the imperfection of the legislative framework, the unwillingness of the individual to treat the situation positively, to search for internal and external resources, and often use the proposed ones, as well as the dependence of the integration process on the personality traits of the individual and the experience of family relationships.
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