


child-parent relations, complex developmental disorders in children, psychological support program


In our research, we theoretically studied the foundations of child-parent relationships in families with children who have complex developmental disorders. The main features of these relationships are: a high level of authoritarianism in raising children, infantilization and emotional rejection of children, while children often perceive their position in the family as alienated, feel anxiety related to intra-family relationships. The identified features were taken into account when developing the directions, goals and tasks of the psychocorrective program. The main directions of psychological support for families raising children with complex developmental disorders are: formation of a positive and cohesive image of the family in the child; reducing the level of anxiety of children in intra-family interaction; development of positive self-esteem in parents and children; teaching parents techniques of a non-judgmental and accepting attitude; increasing the level of trust of parents towards children with complex developmental disorders. During the development of a program of psychological support for the optimization of child-parent relations in families with children who have complex developmental disorders, a number of conditions must be taken into account: the most important condition during the planning and organization of psychocorrective work with the families of such children is taking into account the qualitative uniqueness of mental development children and each member of the psychocorrection group; the program for correction of child-parent relations in families with children with complex developmental disorders, aimed at organizing psychological correction in real groups of children and their parents (class, formed group); during the planning of psycho-corrective work, it is envisaged to carry out diagnostic measures to assess the effectiveness of its impact; the proposed program must meet the verification requirements in terms of content and effectiveness.


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