will, volitional regulation, willpower, control over action, self-control, resource approachAbstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze the main world trends in the study of the problem of will in psychology, the state of the study of will in Ukrainian psychological science, the main questions raised by Ukrainian authors, to highlight problematic issues that require further research. The main problems of the psychological research of the will are highlighted: theoretical proof of the independence of the will as a mental phenomenon, its «indissolution» in motivational, cognitive and affective processes; variety of behavior manifestations that characterize human will; the difficulties of their operationalization in clear empirical criteria, the search for relevant psychodiagnostic indicators of the volitional sphere of the individual. There are three main aspects in understanding the essence of the phenomenon of will: 1) will as a desire and recognition of the right to have this desire (freedom of will, freedom of choice); 2) will as the realization of desire (control over action); 3) will as mastering one's desires, refraining from temptation (self-control). The resource approach is common in self-control studies. In Ukrainian psychology, the problem of will is closely related to the formation of personality and its morality. The following directions have been highlighted in modern research: 1) applied research of volitional and emotional-volitional regulation in various spheres of activity (educational, professional, in the rehabilitation and health maintenance system; 2) the importance of volitional regulation in selfrealization and self-development of the individual; 3) education of strong-willed qualities of the individual by means of physical culture and sports, where the necessary principle is to create a situation of overcoming obstacles; 4) education of willpower in educational activities and the role of willpower of students in achieving academic success.
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