personal safety, specialists, emotional intelligence, motivation, strategies for overcoming stressful situationsAbstract
The article highlights the concept of personal security, views of scientists on personal security in general. It was determined that personal security is a multicomponent concept that includes the following components: cognitive-behavioral component, motivational-value component, and emotional-volitional component. The goal is to empirically investigate the components of the personal safety of a specialist. Materials and methods. To conduct an empirical study, we used the following methods: "Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS)" by S. Hobfol (Strategic Approach to Coping Scale, SACS), "Prognosis", Diagnostics of the level of readiness for risk" by A. Schubert, "Diagnostics of emotional intelligence" N. Hall, "Study of the motivational profile of the individual" by Sh. Ritchie and P. Martin and "Determining the life goals and values of the individual" by P. Ivanov, E. Kolobova. 336 people took part in the research, including: 68 rescuers, 102 military personnel, 114 teachers of higher education institutions, 52 practicing psychologists. The results. The most pronounced among the study participants are average and low levels of satisfaction of the need for safety, the ability to establish social contact, cautious actions, antisocial and aggressive actions, average indicators of emotional intelligence, the ability to manage one's emotions, and self-motivation. The following needs were found among the researched: for a high salary, for a clear structuring of work, for recognition from other people, for setting difficult goals and achieving them, for improvement, growth and development, and for being in demand. Conclusions. In general, personal security has a complex and multidimensional nature that takes into account both internal and external factors, and also emphasizes the importance of various aspects of life in order to achieve it.
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