


psychological support, psychological assistance, war, Gestalt therapy, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotherapy


In view of the complex geopolitical and social challenges faced by Ukraine and the modern world, the issue of psychological support in times of war is of particular relevance. Military conflicts, terrorist attacks and armed confrontations create unpredictable circumstances for citizens and require a comprehensive approach to ensuring their mental well-being and stability. Psychological support in times of war includes a wide range of actions and measures aimed at maintaining and ensuring the mental health of the population, military personnel, volunteers and everyone who finds themselves in the conflict zone. This topic becomes particularly important in the context of military operations, as they can lead to traumatic consequences, post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological problems. To explore the specifics of psychological support in war. Psychological support in wartime has its own peculiarities, which are determined by the specifics of the situation in which the victims are. The main aspects of psychological support in such settings include crisis intervention (immediate assistance, stabilisation techniques); psychoeducation (information, training); support for traumatised people (trauma therapy, group therapy); support for children and adolescents (adapted methods of work; work with families); prevention and long-term support (PTSD prevention, long-term therapy); social support (communities and organisations, reintegration), work with military personnel and veterans (specific programmes, psychosocial support). Psychological assistance to victims of military conflicts can be provided through various psychotherapeutic or psychological paradigms, including the following approaches Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT); Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR); Psychodynamic Therapy; Humanistic Therapy; Existential Therapy; Art Therapy; Group Therapy; Family Therapy; Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TFCBT); and Medication Support. Each of these approaches can be adapted to work with victims of military conflict depending on their specific needs and situation. It is often most effective to combine several methods to achieve optimal results. Psychological support in wartime is multidimensional and requires a comprehensive approach, taking into account both the individual needs of victims and collective challenges.


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