


stress resilience, psychotherapy, self-regulation, psychological well-being, self-awareness, empathy, stressful situations, components of stress resilience


This article is dedicated to the theoretical exploration of the components of stress resilience in psychotherapeutic practice, which are essential elements influencing the effectiveness of practicing psychologists-psychotherapists. Stress is an inevitable part of the work of psychologists-psychotherapists, arising from emotional strain caused by various components. The importance of stress resilience in psychotherapeutic practice is growing today, as professionals face increasing psychological pressure due to the complexities of modern life and the diversity of mental health issues. Ensuring stress resilience and caring for personal psychological hygiene is a significant challenge for the professional activity of psychologists-psychotherapists, especially in times of war. This can have significant consequences for professional productivity and the psychological health of psychologistspsychotherapists. Therefore, this article is dedicated to various components of stress resilience, which in turn affect the ability of a psychologist-psychotherapist to effectively manage stress. Among these components can be the personal characteristics of the psychologist-psychotherapist, the level of professional skills, the number of psychotherapeutic sessions conducted per week, the configuration of practice, the degree of colleague support, and the presence and frequency of supervisory support. The cognitive-reflexive and emotional components are also considered. Through the cognitive-reflexive component, the specialist evaluates stress and its components and forms their own methods of overcoming it. At the same time, the emotional component is determined by the individual’s reaction to stressful events, including the ability to cope their emotions during or after the impact of stressors. The research of components helps to improve the training of psychologists-psychotherapists, develop support programs for practicing professionals, and create favorable conditions for psychotherapeutic practice, which enhances the quality of services provided and the level of job satisfaction in this field.


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