


motivational component; managerial competence; professional motivation; professional activity motives, future police officer


The article is devoted to an empirical study of the motivational component of managerial competence of future officers of the National Police of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the NPU). The motivational component includes motives, goals, needs, value systems of actualization in managerial competence. It is due to the importance of positive motivation for the professional management activities of a police officer. As a result of the analysis of psychological methods and psychodiagnostic techniques, the features of the empirical study of the motivational component of future police officers were determined: the dominance of internal motives in relation to professional activity, the presence of a clear tendency to strive for success, interest in professional activity (the “Diagnostics of Professional Motivation” method) and the expression of one’s own desire carry out management activities, the presence of clearly formed goals and ways to achieve them (“Motives of professional activity” questionnaire). The results of descriptive statistics, comparative and correlation analysis of the obtained empirical data on the psychological characteristics of the development of the motivational component of the managerial competence of future and current officers are presented. It was found that the professional motivation of cadets and police officers is at an average level and is slightly higher among cadets. It was revealed that the motivational reactions of cadets in the 1st year are the highest, then there are slight trends of their decrease. As a result, the level of professional aspirations and interest in professional activities also decreases. Based on the correlation results, it was concluded that the presence of high professional motivation among cadets will increase their ability to manage themselves and others. The prospects for further study on the development of a training program aimed at developing the motivational component of the managerial competence of future NPU officers are identified.


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