creativity, creative thinking, creativity, creativity parameters, creative personalityAbstract
The article has a theoretical character and is devoted to the psychological analysis of the problem of creativity, creative thinking, creativity. After all, a creative person can quickly take effective and non-standard decisions. Convergent and divergent thinking is considered as types of thinning operations. Also, the creative potential and its formation are considered in the article. defines creative potential as an integrative property of an individual.
Acquainted with the internal (the realization of the genetically engineered human search needs, the instinct of self-preservation, satisfaction of the primary material and spiritual and social needs) and external (satisfaction of family needs, imitation of ideology, culture and myths of society, a sense of fashion) motives of creativity in human activity.
Described approaches to understanding the concept of creativity various scientists, in particular, subjective, characterizes the ability of the subject to identify new ways to solve the problem and the objective, which considers creativity as the result of work and efforts of the person.
The personal qualities of the creative subject, which make up the creative potential of the individual, namely worldview qualities, value qualities, intellectual qualities, volitional and personal qualities, are structured. Since creativity can be manifested in activities at certain levels, we have described personal, procedural, productive, interactive levels. Characterized by the components of the creative potential structure, as well as the creative style of activity, which is characterized by a number of features, such as the ability to see problems as a core sign of creativity, originality of thinking, ease of association, flexibility of thinking, ease of generation of ideas, critical thinking.
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