resilience, psychological stability, internal resources, extreme conditionsAbstract
The article highlights the theoretical aspects of the problem of resilience. In the conditions that occur today in society, the question of accumulation of internal personal resources becomes extremely important for preserving the normal functioning of the body and human capacity. That is why it is important to study the main factors of mental stability that contribute to the development of high resilience indicators. The goal is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of resilience, to determine its components and factors of formation. Materials and methods. It has been established that there is no clear definition of the concept of «resilience», therefore various researches and literary sources offer different options for the definition of the concept of resilience. The results. Factors of mental stability are singled out at such levels as: individual, family, public and cultural. It was determined that the level of development of resilience depends on a certain set of factors, in particular, such as: features of the nervous system, the specifics of development in childhood, the nature of upbringing. Conclusions. It was determined that psychological resilience is an individual's ability to overcome difficulties and stress while maintaining psychological stability and integrity. According to scientists, resilience can be formed in ourselves, each of us is able to learn and develop skills that will help us function more effectively in crisis situations and better overcome difficulties.
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