


psycho-emotional state, mental state, emotional state, stressogenic factors, martial law


The article analyzes the views of scientists on the concept of psycho-emotional state and outlines the most relevant definition of the concept of “psycho-emotional state”. It was established that the full-scale invasion caused significant changes in the psycho-emotional states of Ukrainians. This situation has become a difficult test for the psyche of people, caused the deepening of life crises and the appearance of complex emotional states, affected the quality of life and well-being, which could not but affect the psycho-emotional state of the citizens of Ukraine as a whole. The goal is to investigate the prevailing psycho-emotional states of the individual under the influence of psycho-emotional states, in particular, in the conditions of martial law. Materials and methods. To conduct an empirical study, we used the following methods: “Life Satisfaction Scale”, “Methodology of Self- Assessment and Level of Harassment Diagnostics”, “Determination of Life Goals and Personal Values”, as well as questionnaires aimed at determining the prevailing psycho-emotional states. 268 people aged 19 to 35 took part in the study, including 145 women and 123 men. At this stage, division by gender or age was not carried out, as this was not the subject of our study. The results. The most pronounced among the research participants are anger, sadness, aggression, inspiration, a significant value among the researched is safety and security, important today are such goals and values as health, will, openness and democracy, service to people, power and influence, autonomy, financial support, self-esteem and harassment levels are above average. It has also been established that in the conditions of martial law, life satisfaction is often determined even by the provision of basic needs. Conclusions. The psycho-emotional state of an individual depends not only on the stressful factors themselves, but also on the individual’s personal qualities. We also consider research on the level of stress resistance, emotional intelligence, and anxiety to be promising.


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