officers of the National Police of Ukraine; professional defor-mation; determinants of professional deformation; mimicry strategies; special con-ditions of activity, extreme situations, stress factors.Abstract
The article states that despite the variety of permanent attempts to investi-gate the phenomenon of professional deformation of police officers, and despite the considerable amount of scientific research devoted to the study of various manifesta-tions of this phenomenon, there is no commonly accepted opinion among scientists about the determinants of its occurrence, this why there are differences in the con-cept of this phenomenon itself. It is stated and confirmed that the officers of the Na-tional Police of Ukraine in their daily professional activities usually are influenced with various negative phenomenon’s such as unlawful behavior, communication with typical representatives of the criminal subculture of society, dealing with law offences of various types, usual confusion determined by misconceptions and mis-takes in daily routines, negative social perception of their social role and their pro-fessional activities or tasks. It was underlined that in the professional-moral sphere the professional deformation of the police officers is manifested by the lowering of the level of an adequate indication of the social, psychological and moral content of their professional tasks, the formation of a negative perception of future profession-al growth, the devaluation of the importance of their profession in the officer’s consciousness, the growth of egocentrism and selfishness, which in turn leads to the formal fulfillment of professional tasks as well as to the use of their professional capabilities to satisfy their personal goals; in the intellectual sphere professional deformation manifests itself in the absence of independent decision-making and furthermore, - the lack of desire for further professional education and development; stereotypical predisposition to brutal action; lack of skills in production of non-standard decisions in extreme and risky situations; unreasonably high selfishness; development of a hypertrophied self-perception of their professional abilities; in the emotional sphere professional deformation manifests itself in the «general roughen-ing of the individual», in the restriction and misery of the emotional and psychologi-cal sphere as well as in the reduction of self-control of person’s psycho-emotional state, that leads to the increase of the level of excitability and irritability, and some-times determines conflicts that sometimes lead to depressive states. It has been stat-ed that the prevention of professional deformation of the officers of the National Police of Ukraine should be based on the systematic consideration of the personal, microsystem, macrosystem determinants that cause this phenomenon. In the realms where the professional deformation of National Police officers is obviously a wide-spread phenomenon, considerable actions towards its prevention should be made according to the certain strategy that will include a number of measures to improve the following aspects: the profession-psychological training of the personality of a policeman in the terms of teaching the policemen of basic techniques and methods of psychological support for personal security in risky and extreme situations; devel-opment of the skills of psychological preparation, that are aimed to stop illegal ac-tions; facilitation skills.
Про Національну поліцію: Закон України від 02.07.2015 № 580-VIII. URL:
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