socio-psychological determinants, education, failure, lack of education, educational requirements, psychophysical possibilities, social conditions, external factors of failure, internal factors of failure.Abstract
The main socio-psychological determinants of failure of higher education graduates are considered and generalized, the main theories and concepts are ana-lyzed, the typology of students who are not satisfied with the directions of social and psychological work with them is developed. An empirical study, correlation analysis and classification of higher education graduates were carried out based on the re-sults of comparative and factor analysis. Identified external and internal factors, the main groups of causes of aca-demic failure of students. The external factors of studentsʼ failure include: low adaptability to the process and conditions of training, low level of average perfor-mance in the student group, high frequency of use of alcoholic beverages; to inter-nal – low level of abilities to study, inadequate (overestimated or undervalued) self-esteem, expressed weakness of nervous processes, low intensity of educational moti-vation and others. These reasons, in the absence of conditions for overcoming difficulties, lead to the emergence of academic failure of students. According to the results of factor analysis, 4 typical categories of ineligible students were identified, each of which has a unique set of reasons for failure. Summarizing the data obtained, it can be assumed that the main reason for the failure of the first and fourth categories of inept students is the lack of training motivation, and for the second and third cate-gory – low ability to study. According to the results of an empirical study, the most significant factors of studentsʼ failure are internal factors, namely, lack of educational motivation and low ability to study. The further development and direction of socio-psychological work with different categories of inept students is required, since in modern scien-tific literature there is insufficient information on this topic, despite the urgency of the problem.
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