
  • O. N. Voluiko


law enforcers, innovative activity, readiness for innovation activity, coping behavior, coping strategy.


It is noted that the pursuit of professional activity by law enforcers involves the possession of specific qualities that determine its suitability for it and ensure the level of success of the result. Law enforcers should orient themselves in their profession to independent search for competent problem solving, independent thinking. At the same time, the main criterion of effectiveness is the formation of readiness for law-enforcement officers for innovation. Readiness for innovation is an internal force that forms the innovative position of a person. It is emphasized that the results of modern scientific research indicate that the success of innovative behavior is largely due to the high level of innovative ori-entation of the subject of innovative activity, as well as deterministic personality characteristics associated with his competence in interaction with new ideas and technologies. One of the tasks of scientific interest is the identification of personality characteristics of the subject of innovation, which is directly related to his ability to produce, perceive, evaluate and implement the introduction of new ideas and tech-nologies. It is indicated that щne of the factors that determine the success of an inno-vative activity of the subject may be the coping behavior. The key concept in the structure of coping behavior is the notion of coping strategies. The purpose of the proposed study is to identify the relationship of psychological readiness for innovation in law enforcement with its various levels and coping strategies. To achieve the goal, the questionnaire «Psychological Readiness for Innovation Activity» (V. E. Klochko, O. M. Krasnoryadtseva) and the methodology of «Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS)» by S. Hobfoll were used. According to the results of the study, certain statistically significant interrelationships between coping strategies and psychological readiness for the activity of law enforcement officers were discovered. The obtained data can be taken into account for the further study of the readiness for the law enforcement officersʼ innovative activity.


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