managerial competence, functional-forming components, psy-chological criteria of the evaluation, levels of formation of managerial competence, future officer of NPU.Abstract
The article presents theoretical discourse of psychological conditions aimed at forming and improving the level of development of cadetsʼ managerial competences as future police officers. The essence of management activity in the law-enforcement professional environment namely is in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is revealed. The main features of the administrative activity of officers are highlighted: the bilateralism of the process of administrative activity, which is carried out with the active interaction of the officer himself and his subordinates; the complexity of the main functions inherent in management activities, namely: planning, organization and control of the life activity of the unit (parts, connections); the presence of interaction with the external environment, which is reflected in the social nature of management activities; specific subsidiary character of the activity in relation to the establishment of a managerial process in the subdivision. The functional-forming components of managerial competence are singled out: the target-motivational component (defines the direction of professional training in the institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the awareness of its outcome), the content component (selection of the content of the managerial competence of the police officer and his structuring in accordance with the management and service functions), procedural component (integration of traditional methods into the training form of studying), control and correction component (stage diagnosis of the level of formation of management competences of the cadets in the process of their training for professional activity), the effective component (the ratio of the result of the professional training of the officer of the National Police of Ukraine with objective requirements, which are put forward by professional activity). The general psychological criteria of managerial competence of future officers of the NPU in the process of professional training for management activity are defined: motivation, emotional-volitional features, intellectual readi-ness, formed skills and abilities of management tasks fulfillment, a set of personal and professional qualities of the individual and reflexivity. The level of formation of managerial competence according to psychological criteria is highlighted: low, medium and high.
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