self-control, competence of training, psycho-pedagogical concept, efficient educational activities, formation levels of self-control.Abstract
Modern teaching methods for foreign languages are oriented towards productive educational activities aimed at increasing the self-education competence. One of the main steps towards autonomous self-education is the formation of self-control skills. Self-control, as well as planning and self-organization, is a key metacognitive process, which leads to a higher level of the self-education competence, without which educational activity is unthinkable. At the present stage, the problem of self-control in foreign language training becomes of particular importance due to the processes of globalization, the integration of knowledge, the rapid accumulation and updating of information, as well as the transition of the general concept of learning to a person-oriented learning. Person-oriented education ensures the comprehensive development of the individual. Therefore, in the field of studying / mastering foreign languages, a transition to productive educational technologies aimed at independent learning activities of those studying foreign languages is taking place. The basis of productive educational activity consists in the conscious and independent formulation of the goal, the choice of adequate methods, reflexive self-esteem, self-regulation and self-control. The formation of self-control skills becomes an integral feature of a modern specialist, his activity, autonomy and creativity, self-determination and self-development in the educational process. The article deals with the problem of formation of the self-control skill in students learning foreign languages. The psychological and pedagogical principles of self-control are analyzed; mechanisms and factors contributing to its development are defined; the conclusion about the necessity to develop modern multilevel methods of teaching self-control is drawn. Possession of the objective method of systematic self-control formation enables the higher education applicant to independently determine the specific goals of the educational activity, evaluate his actions and, if they are false, correct them.
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