symbolic of colour, yellow colour, psychological influence, emotions, physiology of a person.Abstract
Influenced of yellowcolour on psyche and physiological functions of a per-son is determined and analysed in this article. The influence of yellow on the physio-logical and mental functions is investigated, we note that this influence is quite sig-nificant and is realized in this way: the influence of color on the human body; influ-ence on the psycho-emotional state of a person; physical and optical effects; sym-bolism of color; harmonization of the functions of the organism. The yellow color is recommended when needed to improve the mood of people. Each color has symbolism and psychology and in different ways affects our thoughts, behavior, health and relationships with people. Color is a universal lan-guage that crosses cultural boundaries. The color language helps to solve problems, to correct the situation. It is proved that with the help of knowledge about yellow we can change our emotional state and improve the well-being of a person. Thus, yellow has its own special significance and influence on the well-being of a person. It is proved that a particular colour gives not only important information about an object but also has ability to evoke thoughts and feelings. The psychological aspect of perception of yellow colour is related to the emotional, socio-cultural and aesthetic background. It is consideredas somecultural characteristics, historical periodsinfluenceand affect theperception of the yellowcol-our on the personand thepossibility of applying thestudy of the relationshipbetween color andmentalityin the diagnosis.
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