readiness to work in stressful situations, emotional stability, emotional regulation, emotionality, professional activity.Abstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to the theoretical justification of the emotional stability of the individual. A scientific analysis of emotional stability was carried out, information on the specified problem was summarized and systematized, based on scientific sources. Emotional stability can be considered a guarantee of personal health, both mental and physical. And therefore, this is also a factor in the effectiveness of her educational and work activities. From here, the question of the ability of the individual to effectively use the reserves of the psyche, to increase the ability to fully reveal physical and mental capabilities, becomes relevant. The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of the main approaches to the study of the emotional stability of a person and its criteria. In the conditions of military realities, the issue of methods and methods of arbitrary regulation of emotional states of an individual becomes particularly acute. Emotional stability is an important factor in the efficiency of work in difficult operating conditions and the speed of adaptation to various situations, and is very significant for specialists in extreme professions. It is noted that the concepts of “psychological stability”, “emotional and volitional stability”, “moral and psychological stability” and “emotional stability” are often used as synonyms. But the basis of emotional stability is recognized as the ability to self-regulate and a certain system of motives of a professional’s personality, which acts as a regulator of activity and behaviour. The term “emotional stability of personality” is quite specific for research on professional activity. Emotional stability became a part of research on moral regulation of behaviour, volitional self-regulation of behaviour, voluntary and involuntary regulation of activity, mental self-regulation, emotional regulation of activity and behaviour, etc. According to most researchers, the main criterion of ES is the degree of dominance of emotions: positive or negative. They can be expressed through the characteristics of emotional expression – an emotionally expressed reaction. The main criterion of the EC in the activity situation is the result, which indicates the success of the current activity. The concept of “emotional stability” is considered from the point of view of a systemic approach and is interpreted as an integral property of the individual in which emotions and motivation, will and intelligence are equally represented. The analysis of scientific works devoted to the EC problem allowed us to come to a conclusion about its structure. ES is a system property that provides the subject with optimal achievement of the set goal in emotionally stressful situations. Therefore, the structural study of EC should be based on the principle of integrity and development of mental phenomena in the context of a system-dynamic approach. Only in this case, a mental phenomenon, which is defined as a system, can be considered scientifically substantiated.
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