



personality, social responsibility, social behaviour, structure of social responsibility.


Abstract. The article reveals the peculiarities of social responsibility of an individual in the vector of his social behaviour. The main aspects of the problem of researching social responsibility as a qualitative characteristic of an individual are determined and the results of a theoretical review of approaches to understanding the phenomenon of social responsibility are given as the main methodological provisions that determined the direction of its study. The theoretical and methodological basis for the practical study of the social responsibility of the subject of professional activity of the socionomic profile is clarified. The results of an empirical study of the social responsibility of the individual according to the parameters are presented: willingness to take responsibility for changes in the personality of the communication partner and the degree of responsibility for these changes. The problem of social responsibility is considered in modern conditions, where the number of situations has increased, in which there is no other control over a person, apart from his own conscience, and only responsibility is the foundation of an individual’s internal motivation and social behaviour. Effective involves the ability to maintain line of behaviour. The structural content of social responsibility represents the relationship of three components. The value-normative component includes a motivational parameter that reflects the individual’s desire for activities aimed at a socially significant result, the predominance of internal motivation related to the value of the profession. The affective-empathic component is the ability to understand oneself and others. The organizational and communicative component represents the implementation of responsibility. The dynamic parameter is based on the fact that the personality must go from the performer to the subject of activity. The regulatory parameter consists in the inclination to internality. The structure, content and method of forming the social responsibility of the individual are experimentally tested.


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