addiction, classification, gaming addiction, diagnosis, symptoms, consequences.Abstract
Abstract. The article presents a theoretical analysis of game addiction, namely its essence, causes, consequences, classifications and diagnostic methods. It has been established that gaming addiction is a pathological tendency to gamble, which covers different age groups, but children and young people are the most vulnerable. Therefore, scientists from various fields, such as psychology, pediatrics, neurology and sociology, are actively investigating this problem. The purpose of the study is a theoretical analysis of the essence of gaming addiction, its causes, consequences, classification, and diagnostic methods. It has been determined that gaming addiction is an uncontrollable desire to play games that interferes with the normal functioning of an individual in everyday life. It is formed under the influence of various factors (biological, social and psychological). The main symptoms of game addiction include: inability to distract oneself from the computer game, isolation from social contacts and society as a whole, depersonalization, ignoring personal hygiene, use of psychostimulants, identification with the main character, complete dissolution in the game, a state of euphoria during the game process and others. Addiction can take many forms. It is classified according to the following criteria: by types of games (gambling games, video games, online games), by severity level (mild gaming addiction, moderate gaming addiction, severe gaming addiction), by demographic characteristics (age, gender, social status). This addiction develops gradually, passing through the stages of winning, losing, despair and hopelessness. To diagnose gaming addiction, psychiatrists and psychologists use the standard criteria specified in the DSM-5 and ICD-11, as well as specialized tools such as the Gaming Addiction Scale (GAS), the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) and the Internet Addiction Test (IAT). The importance of timely detection and treatment of gaming addiction is emphasized in order to prevent serious negative consequences for a person’s physical and mental health, as well as for his social life and professional activity. This problem is critical in modern society.
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