


music therapy, Viennese school, music therapists, development of direction, psychotherapy.


Abstract. In the article, the author describes the historical path of the formation of music therapy, which is a conscious and planned treatment of people with social, intellectual, mental, physical disorders and other states of suffering. This psychotherapy aims to alleviate or completely eliminate symptoms, change attitudes and behavioral manifestations that lead to mental disorders, and maintain or restore health. Music therapy treatment takes place within the therapeutic relationship. That is why the author reveals all the secrets of the formation of this not yet very popular direction in Ukraine, describes the stages of its formation and reveals the portraits of the first music therapists. In the American and European health care systems, music therapy is used in various areas of clinical medicine, in particular, psychiatry, neonatology, psychosomatics, rehabilitation and therapy of clients with disabilities, oncology, neurology, palliative medicine and hospice, geriatrics, etc. The novelty and effectiveness of this area attracts specialists in the whole world. In the article, the author uses the phase model of the formation of the Viennese school according to Obergelsbacher. It distinguishes the pioneering phase (1958–1970), the development phase (1970–1992), and the differentiation phase (1992–2009). The article also presents other perspectives on the historical stages of the formation of the Viennese School of Music Therapy. The state of music therapy in Ukraine today is partially revealed, because we still do not have a separate specialization or specialty, and music therapists do not have basic professional thorough training. And that’s why the first steps are taken by enthusiasts, including psychologists, social workers, teachers, psychotherapists, medical workers, artists, but there is no scientific and theoretical base, systematic practice and training. That is why today one of the main tasks is the popularization and assimilation of this direction as soon as possible through integration into the European system of music therapy.


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