


expectations, social expectations, psychological protection, war, traumatic events, migrants.


Abstract. The article describes a theoretical study of the phenomenon of social expectations of migrants during Russia’s large-scale war in Ukraine and their connection with psychological defences of the individual. The article provides a theoretical justification of social expectations within the framework of scientific research by A. Adler, C. Horney, C. Rogers, and V. Frankl, and substantiates the role and importance of psychological defence mechanisms in psychoanalytic theories (A. Adler, A. Freud, S. Freud, C. Horney). It has been determined that social expectations are based on confidence in their realisation and largely determine the behaviour of an individual. Also, social expectations play the role of important adaptation mechanisms, as they help to effectively accept the situation of social uncertainty. The levels of functioning of social expectations are described, namely the intrapersonal level, interpersonal and intergroup levels. The theoretical analysis allowed the author to form a hypothetical model of social expectations in the context of psychological defence mechanisms, which includes such defence mechanisms as identification, isolation, introjection, rationalisation, projection and reactive formation. The article substantiates the role and significance of the formation of social expectations in experiencing the complex and traumatic events of war faced by both Ukrainians in general and migrants in particular. It is noted that social expectations form an image of the desired future and thereby help to cope with the definition of prospects and planning. At the same time, they significantly reduce negative emotional experiences and instil a sense of inner balance and comfort.


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