
  • N. M. Majorchak


falsehood, manifestations of falsity, perfectionism, dysfunction-al perfectionism, psychotechnology.


The article deals with possible causes of manifestations of lie and, personal problems that cause them. the article is describes various methods of providing psy-chological assistance of the youth who are prone to lie. It also describes the effec-tiveness of psychotechnologies in providing psychological assistance to the person to overcome the falsity. The manifestation of lie in adolescence is rooted and formed on the basis of the development of their own self-determination. Therefore, this indicates the need to provide psychological assistance to the individual from self-development, which should be substantiated and experimentally tested for efficiency. The article deals with the functional unity of motivational, emotional, cognitive, dynamic, regulatory and effective components of lie. The search for methods of providing psychological assistance to young people has made it possible to find training for the correction of dysfunctional perfectionism, as perfectionism as a specific kind of falsehood is dis-tinguished as a characteristic feature of youth, which manifests itself in deceit itself due to excessive orientation towards distorted social attributes and values. The conducted search of methods and analysis of the developed psychotech-nologies gave the opportunity to define methods of providing psychological assis-tance to the person to reduce the lie,such as an extended version of trainings on the development of emotional intelligence and correction of dysfunctional perfectionism. In the development of this training, the authors proceed from the standpoint that the development of critical thinking in the evaluation of irrational ideas that is the causative agent of cognitive and emotional disorders will help to modify and minimize perfectionist tendencies of the individual. The training uses an integrative approach, which includes cognitive-behavioral, humanistic and psychodynamic psycho-correction.


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