ethnic community, signs, factors, structure of national psychology, ethnic processes.Abstract
National-ethnic groups are large groups of representatives of one nation or one ethnic group, which include thousands and millions of people, connected by common external and internal psychological features. The conditions for recogniz-ing the ethnic community are the following: members of the community are aware of their belonging to it; the common origin of the members of the community; members of the community have linguistic and cultural unity; there is an internal social or-ganization, the attitude within the community and contacts with others is normal-ized. Ethnic communities have different forms – from the primitive herd of people to modern nations. It is possible to distinguish the following stages of development of ethnic communities: genus, tribe, people, nation, race, ethnic group. National psychology of representatives of specific ethnic communities is formed in the result of the influence of many factors: socio-political, economic, cultural and historical development, national relations, language and writing. National psychology has its structure, which includes system-forming and dynamic component. The main elements of the system of the forming component are: national identity, national character, national interests and orientations, national feelings and emotions, national traditions and habits, etc. The dynamic component of national psychology is represented by motivational, intellectual-cognitive, emotional-volitional, communicative-behavioral, national-psychological peculiarities. The process of interaction of ethnic communities is characterized by certain ethno national processes that have a psychological basis, among them there are: assimilation, isolationism or separatism, ethnic partitioning and separation, ethnic dispersion, integration (interethnic and intrinsic ethnic, ethnic fixation, marginality, cosmopolitanism).
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